Josina Van Metre Born: Oct. 6, 1806
Married: Jan. 24, 1822 Children
Josina Van Metre was born near Martinsburg, West Virginia on October 6, 1806. She was the daughter of Johonnes Van Metre Jr. and Josinah Van Metre. She married John Evans Van Metre on January 24, 1822 at the age of 15. Her grandfather and John Evans great-grandfather were half brothers. She came to Iowa with her husband, John Evans and the rest of her family in 1854, settling on the "Pickaway" homestead in 1854. Josina received a 14 year old slave as a wedding present. She said years later "We were two children together had had the care of three." She had eleven children, raised three step-children and took into her home, nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles, and aunts. She also raised a girl called Ann Tully. "Born in Virginia she never forgot her proud ancestry and though gracious manner. It was said by her admiring grand-children to be extremely dignified to old age. Three of her sons fought in the Civil War, Joseph was killed, and another, Ezra fought in the Mexican War. Josina died on Nov. 19, 1889, is buried at he Van Metre family cemetery at "Pickaway". The Mayflower Chapter of the DAR erected a headstone with a brass plaque in honor of her being the daughter of and Revolutionary Soldier.
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