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Land Records, Sangamon County, Illinois
- Abraham Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 4372, 80 acres being the
West half of Southeast quarter of Section 2, T17N, R5W. 16 May 1831 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Thomas Vanmeter - Vol. 817, Page 103. 40 acres being
Lot 10 Southwest quarter of Section 16, T17N, R05W. 23 April
1832 Located Illinois State Archives. Topo
- Henry Vanmetre – Land Patent, Document Nr. 5303, 82.82 acres being the
East half of Northwest quarter of Section 2, T17N, R5W. 20 May 1840 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Abraham D. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 5935, 80 acres being the
East half of Southwest quarter of Section 2, T17N, R5W. 4 September
1834 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Abraham D. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 7358, 80 acres being the
West half of Southwest quarter of Section 2, T17N, R5W. 21 September
1835 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Seymour R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 8195, 80 acres being the
North half of Northwest quarter of Section 11, T17N, R5W. 8 September
1835 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Seymour R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 10951, 82.82 acres being
the West half of Northwest quarter of Section 2, T17N, R5W. 30 March
1837 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Seymour Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 12007, 80 acres being the
East half of Northwest quarter of Section 35, T18N, R5W. 5 April 1837 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Seymour R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 12057, 80 acres being
the West half of Southwest quarter of Section 35, T178, R5W. 8 September
1835 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Abraham D. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 12073, 160 acres being
the Southeast quarter of Section 3, T17N, R5W. 5 April 1837 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Abraham D. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 18511, 80 acres being
the Northeast quarter of Section 3, T17N, R5W. 1 November 1839 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Joseph Van Metre – Land Patent, Document Nr. 20255, 40 acres being the
Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 1, T15N, R4W. 3 March
1843 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Joseph C. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 20256, 160 acres being
the Northeast quarter of Section 12, T15N, R4W. 1 December 1846 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo