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Land Records, Cleburne County, Arkansas
- David R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 1755, 40 acres being the
Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 12, T10N, R9W. 16 August
1838 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- David R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 2411, 80 acres being the
West half of Southwest quarter of Section 12, T10N, R9W. 10 July 1844 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- David R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 2412, 80 acres being the
East half of Southeast quarter of Section 11, T10N, R9W. 10 July 1844 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- David R. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 2413, 40 acres being the
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 12, T10N, R9W. 10 July
1844 Bureau of Land Management -
Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- Sarah T. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 8542, 320 acres being the
Northeast quarter of Section 27 and Northwest quarter of Section 26, T9N,
R10W. 1 September 1857 Bureau of
Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- John M. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 16397, 120 acres being the
North half of Northeast quarter of Section 11 and Southeast quarter of
Southeast quarter of Section 2, T10N, R9W. 1 May 1860 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo
- John M. Vanmeter – Land Patent, Document Nr. 18398, 200 acres being the
Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter and South half of Northeast quarter
of Section 8 and Southeast quarter of South half of Northwest quarter of
Section 9, T10N, R9W. 1 October 1860 Bureau
of Land Management - Eastern States, General Land Office. Topo